By:Luis Garcia ATC/LAT,CSCS

Creatine (a main ingredient in our "Rest and Recover formula") is one of the most studied supplements on the market. While being one of the most beneficial and essential supplements athletes should take, it carries a lot of negative connotation attached to it. Despite TONS of research backed benefits people avoid it because they're afraid its bad for their health. The goal of this article is to provide an evidence based review on creatine's safety, side effects, and performance benefits.
So lets talk about some of the negative side effects/Myths people attach to creatine (Im sure you've heard one if not a few of these).
-Bloating (water retention)
-Kidney/Liver damage
-Weight Gain
-Muscle Cramps
Creatine helps produce ATP, your cells' most basic form of energy. This increases energy production during high intensity exercise and leads to improved performance and increased strength and muscle gain. Some people wrongly claim that creatine is an "anabolic steroid" and should be avoided by woman and children, and only used by pro athletes and body builders. Now despite all the negative press (passed around by uneducated gym goers) The International society of sports nutrition regards creatine as EXTREMELY SAFE, concluding it is one of the most beneficial sports supplements on the market. (LINK BELOW)
Leading researchers who have studied creatine for several decades also conclude that it is one of the safest supplements out. This study followed 52 different health markers after participants took creatine for 21 month, it found no adverse effects.(LINK BELOW)
Aside from performance benefits, creatine has been used in to treat various diseases and health problems including neuromuscular disorders, diabetes, concussions, and muscle loss.
No negative claims, side effects, or safety issues have been supported by research.
Creatine is found through your body, 95% of it is stored within your muscles. We obtain our creatine from meat and fish, and it can also be produced naturally by the body. HOWEVER, your diet and natural creatine levels do not MAXIMIZE muscle stores of this compound.
By supplementing with creatine you can increase your stored creatine by 20-35%. During high-intensity exercise stored creatine helps your muscles produce more energy, this is the main reason that creatine directly enhances exercise performance.
Creatine alters your water content by driving additional water into your muscle cells. This may be the running fact behind people saying that it dehydrates you, but this is only a minor shift, not enough to cause dehydration. In fact a 3 year study of college athletes showed that those who took creatine had fewer cases of dehydration, cramps and muscle injuries than those who didn't. (LINK BELOW)
Based on the current evidence and research creatine does NOT cause dehydration or cramping, it may actually protect against these conditions.
Yes creatine DOES cause WATER RETENTION, BUT in order for that water retention to cause any kind of visible bloating it would need to be stored in our subcutaneous (fat) tissue, the water storing as we mentioned earlier is stored inside the muscles at a INTRA-CELLULAR level, meaning you cannot see it visibly. This will cause your muscle to be HARDER and MORE DEFINED, not bloated and thick.
Many people confuse bloating from a high caloric intake diet with bloating from creatine, they both are very different, and this is where that myth could have stemmed from.
Studies show that over time body weight may increase with the consumption of creatine BUT this weight gain is due to MUSCULAR GROWTH and not an increase in body fat. So the weight gained here will have an aesthetically pleasing effect on the body. For most athletes additional muscle is a positive adaptation that may improve sports and performance, this is one of the main reasons that people take creatine and should not be considered a negative side effect. Increased muscle will also play a positive roll in older adults, obese individuals, and those with certain diseases as well. (LINK BELOW)
Creatine can raise creatinine levels in your body. Creatinine is used to DIAGNOSE liver or kidney problems (NOT CAUSE). The fact that creatine raises creatinine levels in the body does not mean that it is harming your liver or kidneys. TO DATE no study of creatine had provided evidence of harm to these organs. A long term study of college athletes found no side effect related to kidney or liver function. Another study lasting 4 years concluded no negative side effects. (LINKS BELOW)
Creatine has been used for more than a century and over 500 studies support its safety and effectiveness. It provides many benefits for muscle and performance while improving many other markers of health. At the end of the day its one of the most affordable, available, and effective supplements today. If you're an athlete looking for the right creatine to take, then our "Rest and Recover" formula by Athletes Performance Labs is what you're looking for, blended with BCAAs, and melatonin to help you rest, recover, and perform at top level. (SHOP TAB AT TOP OF PAGE)
